toedtoes wrote:
If you plug in the desired dates now and try to book, the site will tell you the date it becomes available for booking. Set your phone up with a reminder for the day before and that date.
The day before, go in and identify the individual sites not yet booked (someone can book the site if their start date is before your start date) and put them in preference order.
On the day, punch in the dates and look at the campground map. Select your top preferred site of those available and book immediately. Have credit card, pass, etc., all at hand before you start. Don't rethink your site priorities.
That's the best you can really do.
^^^^^ THIS ! !
There's been prior discussion as to "what time?" I've read that the window opens at 10am EST, as well as 1 minute past midnight. I've tried the 10am thing, trying to book prior (8am MST), and not been able to book, but waiting until 10:01am EST/8:01MST has worked. And even then, when trying to book in RMNP, I had to go to my 3rd preferred spot for a specific date, as someone beat me to the 1st and 2nd choice! YES! Have everything you need to book readily in hand and type as quickly and accurately as possible!