Forum Discussion

crazyro's avatar
Apr 26, 2017

Redoing valance - so many staples!

So, we had the bright idea to update some of our camper's decor, got fabric and I started work on one of the small valances - start small. Oh. My. Gosh! Just finished 90% of teardown on it and I have a few questions:

1. Were they having a clearance on staples?
2. Were they giving out awards to the workers who used the most staples?
3. Were they having a warehouse cleanout and had to use up remaining inventory of staples?

This looks to me like serious overkill... But, I guess we're committed now. Hopefully the end results will be worth it. :)

And, I just ordered a new A/C shroud. I guess these things take a beating. It looks like previous owner either hit a branch in a state park or maybe a rock flung that high (if possible) and put a nice size hole in it. I guess it's to be expected on an older trailer.

  • Johno02 wrote:
    Those air power staplers are rapid fire, and a lot of fun. You need to watch those folks doing the coverings with one. Just streach the fabric, and enough staples to make sure it stays there.

    Kind of reminds me of the Jayco assembly video...stick enough nails in anything and it might hold together long enough to get out of the factory.
  • Those air power staplers are rapid fire, and a lot of fun. You need to watch those folks doing the coverings with one. Just streach the fabric, and enough staples to make sure it stays there.
  • Well the upside is you know the staples will be installed correctly!
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    Why bother removing staples? Why not just put a new cover over the old and be done with it?

    Because it's a first project and it's not realised it's just extra work.
    Time and familiarity will solve that :B.

    crazyro, you are doing a good job and I can't wait to see the finished project:c.
    Oh and the cord is called just that...braided cord. It's a decorative finishing trim
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    Why bother removing staples? Why not just put a new cover over the old and be done with it?

    The old one has very thick fabric that may show through the new one and it has a weird cord at the bottom of the valance which we don't want. I also guess I wasn't expecting the mother load of all staples to be waiting on me either haha.
  • Why bother removing staples? Why not just put a new cover over the old and be done with it?
  • Ever play with one of those industrial pneumatic staple guns?
    They are really fun to can get carried away!

    But, I agree with you, that is ridiculous. They don't use that many on the ultra-lite models in order to save weight...