Huntindog wrote:
it hs been amhile since I used one, but I do remember the instructions stating that if the steering wheell did not retrn to center unassisted after a turn that it was too tight.
The adjustment is NOT the handle. The bolt is.
Correct, but the steering wheel test is highly variable depending on trailer length, truck size, etc. What I do is find a straight road without traffic and do a quick input on the steering wheel to get the trailer to swing out a bit while watching for excess over-travel, then tighten the bolt a bit and retest. There will always be some over-travel due to play in the suspension and tires.
Since there is both a bolt and a handle, that is way too much for some to comprehend. The handle only needs to be tightened enough so that it doesn't move, that could be done with one finger. I doubt that there are many that are adjusted and used correctly.