Forum Discussion

Canadian_Camper's avatar
Apr 13, 2016

Registering a truck camper

Hi all... Hubby and I bought a truck camper today, having previously had a 21' TT. We are in Ontario. Do truck campers have to be registered with the MTO at all?

Thanks for your help!
  • I always find it amazing at how the different areas treat a TC. In my opinion it's not a vehicle because it doesn't have wheels. Where I live in Indiana, it needs to be registered.
  • No. You don't need to register them in Ontario. To them it is just cargo in the back of the truck.
  • When internet is hard to substitute source of information , it is hard to confirm everything you read on it.
    For questions like that I would call appropriate DMV and as them directly.
    I bought my TC in Minnesota with a title, while in California TC are cargo and nobody wants to register them.
  • No, not in BC. They are not a vehicle so don't need to be registered but I would purchase an insurance policy for it as it will not be covered by your truck insurance.