Forum Discussion

Nunyadamn's avatar
Apr 28, 2014

Registration Fees - State

Wow, I just got back from the AZ DMV registering my new trailer. I thought I was able to get a permanent plate like on all of the boat trailers I have ever owned. Apparently not, because I just had to pay $433.00 to register it.

That was after the lady kept telling me it was $795.00 for one year. She was clearly incompetent and possibly a liar. She asked me if I wanted to register it for one or two years. I asked what was the cost difference. She said for one year it was $795.00. I said that was crazy and could she check that again. I said that was more than anything I have ever registered including the RV I recently sold or my truck and car. She looked at her computer and said yes, that is the price. Then I said can she tell me why it is so high. She said yes and took the paperwork away to ask her supervisor about the fee. Then she comes back and says yes, that is the price. I couldn't believe it - $795.00 for one year. Ridiculous right? Then she hands me the plate, hits a few more buttons on the computer and says oh, wait, it is $433.00 for one year. The $795.00 was for two years. Both numbers sound crazy to me - remember, I thought I was going to get a permanent plate when I walked in. She gives me the paperwork showing what I paid and tells me I am all set. I walk out, get in my truck, get to the first stop light and realize she didn't give me a registration sticker. So I go back, park, go in and walk straight to her desk. I ask if I was supposed to get a sticker for the plate, she says yes, looks around like it was just supposed to be laying somewhere. She gets on her computer and prints out my registration with the sticker attached to the paper - something about it didn't print before.

So, I say she was incompetent because of all of the issues - more than what I listed, but that was enough. She does this everyday, how can she screw up or give such bad info? I say liar because I don't really know if she went to check with her supervisor or went to get a drink of water. She was back pretty quick and it is possible she got bad info from her boss too. I got the feeling like she thought she was right about the cost from the get go and pretended like she was going to go check with someone, only to tell me she was right - when she was clearly not.

With all of that drama out of the way, I still feel like I got robbed at the DMV on the travel trailer registration cost. I am wondering if others are paying similar.

Details - 2014 Jayco Jay Flight 32BHDS in Arizona = $433.00 for 1 year.
  • My experience in AZ has been there are some license centers that contract with the State and others are operated by the State. The contract locations don't always have the right info and often charge more because of the commission they charge. I would find one that you know is operated by the State DMV for sure...bring all your receipts and paperwork there and make sure all is correct..

  • Did you pay sales taxes when you purchased the trailer?? That sounds ridiculously high, but then again..... We purchased both of our trailers at RVW in OH and paid a very nominal fee for a 30 day tag to get home to TN and then pay the TN taxes and registration. Forgetting the taxes, which I'd love to, the tag/registration was $14.75 and the same each year for renewal. Don't know if the same holds true, but when we lived in CA, the yearly fee was based on the value of the vehicle at that time. Believe I'd be inclined to call the State DMV Office and give them the info....sounds WAY too much. Sorry, makes for a bummer of a day.
  • Fees, taxes, levies.. they're all different from state to state. I guess you're just asking about AZ residents.

    But, compared to WA, you're being fleeced...but then we have outrageous sales tax.

    Can you verify your charges online?