I got burned twice
First time we were headed towards the Outter Banks in NC..... We pull up to the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel Bridge and I ask the lady at the toll booth "look at me and the trailer.... can I stop at the second island and visit the pier and gift shop?" She says no problem just hook it wide out of the Tunnel and go all the way to the end and you'll have plenty of room to turn around.... I was thinking she must know what she's talking about, this question must get asked a few times a day.....We exit the Tunnel ..... go to the end and I was like "OH ****"....Long story short the right side of my van and TT were practically scraping the building and the left side was right against the edge of the Island...... I was almost looking at the back of my TT the turn was so tight..... somehow I got out.
Another time we left the NASCAR race at Richmond (camped there and they pumped out my waste tanks)
.....Just before I95 my son says lets grab n go at McDonalds overthere so I pull in thinking that I can pull around the store just like the other 99% of McDonald's......I pull around and hit a dead end! ....... I had to back out and make a turn in reverse, With all the jerking of the trailer the grey tank opens in the parking lot and I'm screaming at my son to close it as the water pours out, after a few moments he finally gets it closed and thinks that now we're going inside to eat, I'm screaming lets get the hell out of here because I just dumped my tanks in the McDonald's parking lot....we get the TT straight and jump on 95 after all the commotion....we drive for about 20min before stopping again at the next McDonald's!