Forum Discussion

bkenobi's avatar
Jan 25, 2018

Removable storage compartment door

I have a 2007 NL 10'2" with an external genset box and no generator. I've read that a Honda EU2000 will fit in the box if tipped first. I have not tried yet, but I am concerned that since I have a rear bumper that prevents the door from opening 180 degrees. As a result, I have 15" height and a 15" ledge to work around.

Is there a way to modify the door so it is easily removable? I envisioned a hinge that released the door at 90 degrees or some kind of latch arangement. Thoughts?
  • Fwiw, I tried putting a Honda EU2000 in the compartment as is. I have to tip it nearly on its side and it is a reach, but it fits very nicely once in. I think removing the door is not required but would probably help a bit. I think I'll leave it as is for now but consider a modification if it feels too difficult over time or results in spilled fuel.
  • A plug door might work. Maybe I'll ask the dealer when I take it in next week.

  • Enlarged the fuzzy picture to blurry :)

    Sounds like what your describing-pic later year.
    If the frame is symmetrical should be able to rotate, might still be easier to drill out hinge and rotate just the door without breaking frame lose. Or adding the additional latches to make a plug in door,
    if door wont flip up to get clearance you need.

    Be nice to get actual dimensions of the unit though and verify it will fit YOUR box before going to the effort.
  • It's a rivited piano hinge. Its not a strange shape like was posted above. I think I could remove the frame and spin 180 degrees.

    I took a few pictures but it looks like I have to host them somewhere to share them.
  • That how most of ours are, simple to remove, but NL pictures I could find looks like a riveted piano hinge.
  • The door hinge is in a channel. Remove the stop on the end and you can slide the door off when open.
  • My first thought was to remove door and frame, rotate 180° reinstall so it swings up.
    But looking appears you might have this door?

    If so possibly remove hinge, add 2 more latches at bottom (1 locking) making a lift out door. Assume this is would be for non use storage.
  • Pictures?
    Everything is doable when you put right mind on it.
    Can you pull hinge pin easily?