Forum Discussion

pbohart's avatar
Jun 06, 2013

Removing Scratch From Fiberglass?

I had to go around a guy at the RV park over memorial day and ended up getting a minor scratch in my fiberglas due to a Rhododendron bush.

If it were my truck, I would buff it out with scratch remover or rubbing compound.

I am wondering if anyone has successfully removed MINOR scratches from their TT fiberglass?

  • If it removed the gel-coat the best way to repair it, is sand lightly and then use two part epoxy, (you can buy it in twin mix containers at the hardware store for about $3.00). Get the five minute setting one.
    Brush it on with a glue brush or artists brush, and then immedialtely press on a piece of clear plastic film, (like overhead projector film or loose leafe page protectors) and tape it down as tight as you can with masking tape.
    The next day, take the tape and plastic film off, and you should have a glass-like finish.
    Sand that lightly with a 200 grit sand paper, and then spray it with an automotive paint, (comes in cans at Advance Auto). White is the easiest color to match.

    If it only a surface scratch, usually Gel-gloss will rub it out.

    Jack L
  • Depending on the depth, polishing compound or fiberglass restorer will work.I use a 3M product on my boats.Ck around your neighborhood for a fiberglass boat owner.He may have some product you can use, should not need much.
  • Do not use rubbing compound on minor scratches, its too coarse and will dull the finish. Polishing compound should do it. Its available at most auto parts stores.
  • Did it break through the gel coating (smooth coating) ?

    Most of the time I find what I think are scratches after going through brush isn't a scratch, it's the branch guts smeared on my siding. A little polishing gets rid of it. You can use rubbing compound or Bar Keepers Cleanser to get rid of the branch guts and then wax the area.

    If it's a deep scratch you'll need to use Bondo and paint.