Forum Discussion

bigtime_077's avatar
Apr 06, 2014

Replace Akuret tires with Goodyear Marathon

I looking for advice on doing this. These are new tires on a new 13 travel trailer with 225/75r15 load range D. Doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the Akurets, date code is middle of 2012, but never heard of them. I have had good luck with the Marathons in the past. Not interested in doing a wheels swap so LTs are out.

I can get the Marathons right now from my truck dealership for $505 mounted and balanced with a $100 mail in rebate. Just not sure if I should throw out new tires just in case I need to replace my P rated tires on the truck even though dealer says they should be fine.

Thanks in advance
  • B.O. Plenty wrote:
    Goodyear Marathons don't have a very good record although they worked for you. If you do a search you will see they aren't any better than what you have...I wouldn't waste my money..For all we know they come out of the same factory just a different tread pattern and name on the side..


    Really? My 10 year old 'b' rated marathons have been great. I'm replacing this saturday with new marathon 'c' rated tires. I'm just hoping that the new ones will be as good as my old ones have been.
  • I was also told about another Goodyear tire that is a LT in load range D. They are Goodyear G26 Cargo in a 225/70r15 in a load range D that is 2470# capacity at 65 psi. These tires are either made in France or Germany. From what I can find these are primarily made for the Sprinter vans in Europe. This would give me 4940# of capacity and I have 4400# axles on the camper.

    Would something along those lines work and then I wouldn't need to worry about clearance as these are an 1" smaller in diameter?
  • Go here-Contact Info

    Call them and see if the tires are constructed with a nylon overlay cap-if they are I would use them without hesitation.

    I cannot seem to find that information on the web anywhere.
  • My 2006 Sunline TT,GVWR of 5,500#, came with ST205/75R15 LR C, Goodyear Marathon tires. Ran with them for 5 years, approximately 3,000 miles per year. Granted they were showing tread wear, but after the 5th year I replaced them only on account of their age.
  • Give them three years so replace next summer.
    GY Marathon complaints seem to be slowing down for the newest tires made in the last couple years.
  • My experience with Marathons was not very good and as a result I would not put them on a shopping cart if I could. My new trailer also has Akurets, although I ve never heard of them before either, I'm not about to spend the money to replace them until I need to. JMHO.
  • Goodyear Marathons don't have a very good record although they worked for you. If you do a search you will see they aren't any better than what you have...I wouldn't waste my money..For all we know they come out of the same factory just a different tread pattern and name on the side..

  • Akurets are no worse than other Chinese made tires, as a matter of fact complaints are not all that common, most of Akurets manufacturing facilities are brand new, state of the art.

    If you search on some of the other RV.Net, Trailer Life, Motorhome Magazine websites you'll see issues are not rampant at all.

    China and most other Nations have joined "The International Organization for Standardization" (ISO) known as ISO, is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations.

    It seems that the Chinese Government had cracked the whip and started regulating Tire Factories and holding them acountable for poor quality control. Often that means that the top managers have been excecuted or exiled! That said,there have been less issues with tires last few years so maybe it's working!

    There was a article about South Korea revamping and stepping up quality standards in their tire manufacturers too due to a flurry of poorly made tires making it into North American markets. Maybe "China Exploder" tires are going away at long last!