Skipro3, thanks for your detailed explanation. Having this information will help inform and maybe create a realization that more factors are changed with every improvement. Especially when tire sizes are changed from the original design parameters for your truck. My experience will be very different than most, as I am more in the terms of a battleship, with the majority % of my weight is below the wings of my Truck Camper. Your set up will be more familiar with most TC users. Like you, the main emphasis was increasing my safety margins. While I was below my weight requirements for my 225, but not much. The biggest issue for me is that the majority of my driving is off pavement roads and with the sidewall deflection I was more concerned with carrying weight for these road conditions and possible cutting of sidewalls by road and debris material.
Look forward to your further testing and long term experience, as this upgrade is something many here might possibly consider for future improvements to their TC and family’s safety.
Cord? Cord, tire cord? Uhh, never mind. :B