Forum Discussion

rbpru's avatar
Explorer II
Jan 09, 2014

Ride with the trucks or let them pass by?

Wow, the more I ask, the more questions I have but I guess that is what this forum is for. ;)

Last May I was towing a 26 ft. TT with about 200 horse power in my 2002 F -150. Across the flat lands of Indiana and Illinois I could get about 60 to 65 mph. once we hit the hill in the Ozarks 50 to 55 mph was about it. My observations were; the truck lanes were often bumpier than the fast lanes, the trucks run at 60 to 65 mph.

So the question is, assuming you feel comfortable with the speed, do you ride with the trucks or let them pass you by?

By the way I now have an F -150 with an Eco boost engine.:)
  • I find the buffeting from following a big rig to be far more noticable then the movement from passing or being passed so my preferance is to be 5mph slower or faster then the big trucks.
  • I could drive at 75 mph towing my 14K 5vr but choose to travel at 62-65 mph.

    *Most trailer tires are only rated for 65 mph( mine at rated at 75 mph)
    *Get the best mpg at 62 mph
    *I'm in no hurry
    *Figure that it will be a lot easier to emergency stop/maneuver at slower towing speed
    *If on a roadway that has 3 or more lanes I don't travel in far right because the far right lane is beat up worse
    *If truckers pass me...OK fine. I'm probably end up passing them come the next hill cause I maintain 62-65 mph up the hills\

    Check the speed rating of your trailer tires!
  • I set cruise on what speed I want to travel. If they are going faster then me they will pass if slower then I will pass them.