mkirsch wrote:
nycsteve wrote:
And the "long jail sentence and hefty fine " suggested by whats-his-name, thats ridiculous. Jail???? Come on.And the already gotten 250.00 fine is hefty.
They're already writing him $250 tickets for having a pickup truck parked in front of his house, which is totally ludicrous. Why would $1000 tickets and/or a jail sentence be so far fetched?
In NY you can be caught driving a unregestered uninsured vehicle with a suspended license and get only tickits, totaling under 1k. I have witnessed this. I was surprised because as far as I knew , no insurance and regestration while operating was a felony. Guess not. So its hard to believe 2x4s in the bed of your pickup will yield jail time, and impossible to believe "hefty" jail time.
The cop that wrote the ticket has way to much time on his hands and a quota to meet. Or the second likly senerio, the cop was responding to a complaint from a neighbor. Cops arnt usually cruising side streets looking for ticket oportunities on Long Island. I live here so Im not guessing. What got him on that street looking at plates in the first place?