Are there any good "Roadtrip" Journal apps that people like to use when traveling. Or for that matter, any favorite apps in general, you like using while taking a trip?
When we bought our MH in 2003, the salesperson, took a photo of us outside our Rig, and at delivery we were given a beautiful journal to write in, just inside the cover was a very touching note under our pasted in photo. On the front was an engraved brass mini plaque. They made it look beautiful.
I've faithfully documented every trip, journey, overnight stay we've made ever since with boon docking locations, likes, dislikes, costings of the trip broken down, things we wish we'd had time to do or were a waste of money. Quite detailed, and love the fact that in such a tech heavy era we are all now in, it's nice to be able to write in a journal for a change,l and read back over as the years march on. It's become a great reference when planning future trips as well.
Just find it's easier and quicker to grab the book and jot down notes here and there, even if we are in a remote no service location I can update our journal easily.
We have the iPhones, windows laptop and Macbook Pro, but sometimes some of the old fashioned ways of doing some things are just priceless. We've even encouraged our children and we ourselves still mail old fashioned postcards now and again to friends and family and they for sure all say how lovely it is to get a handwritten postcard to treasure.
Some things, old fashioned as they are referred to by some, still are better with time we've found, and have more meaning.
We do plan our trips/budgets/actual costs on a spreadsheet though for ease of sorting at later times when needed.
I use a program called MacJournal on my lap top and my iThing. They sync together and have lots of options. I'm not as good at keeping daily notes as my wife is but I start but using it to layout a rough itinerary of the trip and then add in additional items as we go we notes. It also has connections to upload entries to several blog sites.
I found an app on the apple App Store called "journi" and have been trying it out for a few days. For those wanting something convenient and available on their phone, it actually has some interesting possibilities.
Not sure if this fits and I haven't tired it myself (yet), but there's an application called RVcare. It's available for Windows and Mac and the author is working on a version for iPhone/iPad.
iPhone shows Rove - Journal/Diary (free); Tagit (free); USA Travel Log - States Visited ($2.99); Tripjots - A Personal Travel Journal (free). You might want to read the Details and Reviews first to see if this is what you're looking for and which would best suit your needs.
I keep a journal of all my travels in Winnie. Don't need an app for that. I keep a photo journal as well. Make an inventory of what's important to you and make sure it's covered in each journal entry. I paid an average of $2.75 per gallon of regular gas to drive Winnie home from Scottsdale in December 2011. That is one of the ways I documented my 30 hour drive home.