Wayne, Avion's are rivets and wood frames...You better come to AK and WA and OR and Northern CA to see all welded alloy boats...but you better not tell all my alloy pals in So Cal that you haven't seen alloy boats! One of the reasons is they have a tendancy to be boats that do things, work, fish and serve as pilot boats across the Columbia bar, in the USCG as response boats, fire and police depts not to mention HS and ICE, plus all the private boats all over the USA and CND and not forgetting the 6 pack charter boats in AK, and my pal in Jacksonville, FL who runs a Pacific built in WA... anyway, yep GRP boats look pretty and appeal to the feminine side of things and they have pastel colored ones in FL, so there is a place for tupperware boats, just not in my realm. The boats I drive are steel, over 200', 2000HP CAT's and have an ITC of 1700 plus tonnes...so I like alloy stuff and thye don't leak unless you punch a hole in them. :>)
noxinnhoj, thx for your input regarding the InterCon box...that pic is from TRIVAN in Ferndale, WA going to get in touch next week to get some info...doesn't seem to me that the company would build police command centers and medical vans that leak...yes they could be heavy...but don't know until I get some specs...also looks like the info on line shows an interlock panel system no rivets...the hatch and hinges with real locking handles impressed me in the pic...funny they used old style hydraulic pump jacks...had some of those on a 1974 El Dorado made in CA...should have never been brought to the PacNW...rebuilt it and sold it. Had two Lances now and want something better! So just seeing if anyone has done anything like this. My TCD dually has 19.5's so I can handle the heft..right now with 1161 and boat she's at 17980# all up..full fuel and water tanks and refer and two up in cab. Take care everyone. This is interesting for sure!