Reddog1 wrote:
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pjay9 wrote:
Wayne, my welded aluminum boat doesn't leak and is lighter than same fiberglass boat. OK pick a method of cargo box construction that is better...yes rivits have issues..use a method similar to Duroboat construction, they don't leak.
See the ideas are already there and proved.
Ever heard of Avion?
I wonder why there are so few aluminium boats, compared to molded fiberglass?
I don't want to get into the middle of another "QUALITY OF THE TC" discussion, but I'm not sure about the reference to the Avion and fiberglass boats. Here in flyover country we don't have many fiberglass boats, we use aluminum jonboats. I have one that is 8' wide and 20' long. Its made by Oquaka boats and is designed for either fishing on the Mississippi River or hauling goods in the oil fields. Rarely if ever do we see fiberglass boats.
I think that Wayne was saying that the quality of aluminum has been proven with the Avion.
As to play9's statement "Avion's are rivets and wood frames". That is not accurate. The Avion TC is built with an aluminum frame. The tub and wings are made from wood. There's a whole string discussing the Avion TC on this Forum that you can reference.
I am deeply sympathetic to the concerns surrounding the construction and maintenance of truck campers. I think that the entire lifestyle is at risk as the quality seems to deteriorate and the price goes higher. Back in the day, it was Dad getting off work at the shop, throwing mom and the kids into the camper on the back of the truck, and heading for a week-end at the lake. Now its retirees, often with significant resources, who can afford these dually, slide out campers.
I would like to see a much lower bar of entry so that the TC is again the choice of the average person.
To return to the question of the Avion, we are restoring these classic campers because we admire the beauty and quality of machines made by Americans; because we see the value that we can add through restoration; and because we believe they will last another 50 years.
As has been stated in our Avion string at least a dozen times, the ideal camper to us would be a combination of the Airstream and Livin Lite.
Welded and riveted aluminum.