67avion wrote:
... I think that Wayne was saying that the quality of aluminum has been proven with the Avion. ...
That was my point.
I hope the following is not taken negatively, but I think the high quality of the TC exist now. Be it Aluminum, Fiberglass, metal, or wood framed take your pick. As for leaks, regardless of material used, the potential for a leak exist at joints and where holes are cut. The interiors need not be exotic to be quality. The quality is determined by the owners preferences, but more often than not the owner does not know what quality is.
In my opinion, pretty and inexpensive satisfies most peoples idea of quality. I read posts where complaints are made when the TC owner complains they found saw dust behind a cabinet. Another common complaint on quality is wiring and/or water lines behind cabinets are not straight.
My thought is that to have the ultimate quality TC, or anything else for that matter, is a dream that will never happen. It is certainly okay to dream. I do think much, if not all, of the new type construction which has been discussed here already exist. You or I may not be aware of it, and it is highly unlikely we are willing to pay for it. TC manufactures will build what makes them a profit.