Forum Discussion

jteam's avatar
May 30, 2013

Rubber roof repair delimma

Ok, I will try to keep this short. I spent roughly 6 months last year replacing the roof on my 30 ft Trail Lite. I replaced the wood substrate since most was rotted out, and glued down a new full sheet of epdm that was bought from one company. I purchased my glue from another company that sells "Lottes" of roofing materials on ebay. They had the best adhesive price by far. After gluing down my membrane and letting it cure a day or so,I noticed that I could see the color of the adhesive in the white membrane (black underside). The adhesive was a tan color and my roof was showing tan stripes from the trowel marks and puddles in the glue. Over time, these marks have gotten even darker. I have not "noticed" any signs of membrane failure, but of course that generally will be too late. I contacted the company that sold me the adhesive and they seem to have no clue why this happened and stated that they have never had the issue before. They did state that if the membrane failed due to their adhesive then they would send me new membrane and adhesive to re do the roof. Nice of them, but that was 6 months of hard work alone, on good weather days, that I do not want to repeat.

Anyone ever seen anything like this happen? Any negative effects from the adhesive "colorant" seeping through, other than being unsightly?

The top does not bother me, but the "stains" show through on the roof edges where the membrane roll over the upper edges also. That was a lot of hard work to see sub par results.

I can get a few pics and try to post or link to them here.
  • Just a couple of thoughts. Seems like most business or home applications use an EPDM membrane that is dark colored (black gray etc. Makes me wonder if there would be a problem with something other than the snow white used on RVs.
  • .

    I've never used the Lottes Roofing product (from e-bay) myself. Thus, I don't know what is normal or a problem - for their product. As a suggestion, surf Google and look for "Lottes Roofing problem" and read each find. See if their product has certain problem areas and what others might have done to recover. For Google search, surf: - click here -

    Hope this helps...