Forum Discussion

scolew325's avatar
Apr 28, 2015

rubber spray sealant on roof

Has anyone used a rubberized sealer in an aerosol can to seal up around parts on the roof.
  • WyoTraveler wrote:
    Dicor is a trusted well known product.

    Certainly not by me. In fact I would gladly pay a couple of hundred to have Dicor come and remove all their failed product from my roof. A lot of it removes itself, but the stuff that's left is a mess.

  • As an insurance adjuster I've seen this used on house roofs. Save your money. It sprays on a very thin coat which doesn't last long in the sun.
  • The main reason you don't see those so called super products in stores is because it is like snake oil. Those products scam a few people then disappear. Use Dicor on your RV roof. Dicor is a trusted well known product.
  • But wait, call in the next 10 minutes and we'll double the offer, just send separate shipping and handling.
  • Stop watching those infomercials with the guy in a screen door bottom boat. :)

    You would probably want to continue using what is most likely on there. Dicor self leveling sealer.
  • Yes I have and no it doesn't. Even though I cleaned and dried area and it was bright and sunny Bubbling underneath the sealant occurred. Like little balloons. I have no idea how the moisture got underneath but it was bubbly. I now use nothing but dicor and eternabond
  • I used a sealant product from Loctite on the sunroom at our condo. It didn't spray in a nice way like paint, it sort of spattered out in globs. Think "sneeze from someone with a bad sinus infection". Granted,on the roof, nobody will see it.....