SpeakEasy wrote:
(edited to shorten it)...
It all depends on whether your fridge is a 2-way (runs on propane or A/C) or 3-way (runs on propane or A/C or 12v). The OP said 3-way and specifically indicated running it on 12v. If run this way (the 12v battery supplies the energy used for cooling) it will run your 12v battery down quickly.
Ahhh... thank you!
We don't tow with the frig running. I turn on the frig at home a couple days before leaving to cool it down and load it up. Usually we'll also have a frozen casserole or two in it. If the campground is within a few hours drive, the frig is still cold when we arrive, and the casserole(s) are still frozen.
We do have a couple tunnels and bridges along the East coast that require propane appliances to be turned off - well, more exactly, the propane tanks have to be shut off. Been awhile since we've gone up and down the coast, so don't remember which ones require this. It was not a big deal when we went, at one toll booth the attendant asked if our propane was off (it was). If it wasn't, we'd just have had to jump out and shut it off.
Also, technically, the frig running on propane should be shutoff when refueling. I don't know if everyone does this, and don't know how if modern frigs require this.