98coachman wrote:
So I'm assuming all of you never run your fridge while in transit then correct??? Unless you are driving on the plains your fridge is toast!!
That's a comment which might be expected from someone who doesn't understand the root cause of the problem. Liquid has to flow through the sloping pipes on the back of the fridge, or things back up, it overheats, and permanent damage is done. That damage is cumulative, a little bit each time and eventually you need a new cooling unit.
When you're parked and it's off level too far, gravity won't cause the liquid won't flow down the sloping tubing. Trouble. When you're traveling, it's not an issue. The bumps/sway/braking/acceleration all assist gravity in moving the fluid. As has been mentioned, 3 degrees is the recommended limit to off level. That's a bit more than a 5 percent grade, which is a pretty steep road. There are some 7 percent grades on the mountain Interstates, but that's still ok with all the movement.
There might still be an issue if you go off-road and spend hours driving up or down 10 degree (17 percent) grades, though. But not for normal RV transit.