SgtMark wrote:
Recently saw one at an RV show, and I believe it would be a good addition. I plan on building my own but was wondering if anyone else had built one, if so did you have a preferred design or just built it from measurements off you trailer. Thanks
Sgt Mark
Think the hole thing out first. I have a beautiful looking holding rack for our BBQ. I made a swing away bracket that our Q BBQ sat on. Looked really cool. Strong 1 inch square tubing (thick side wall stuff) Swings out accordion style, mounted on 14 gauge flat metal. Big enough to put BBQ tools on.
Here's what I learned the hard way. First time in use I found out the errors of my ways...
My Q has a plastic or alum frame bracket, even though it looked like stronger metal. Not going to hold up bouncing around. Then we ended up in a spot that barley fit our unit. Guess what? Not enough room to swing out the BBQ. It's back in the back of pick up again.