And he did stir the pot! And what emerged was a strong consensus -- almost all of us agree that we can define camping for ourselves, and many of us agree that RV camping is not as rigorous as backpacking, which is exactly why we prefer RV camping. If I wanted to backpack, I would already be doing it, and I am not.
To paraphrase Mark Twain, "Whenever I feel the urge to go backpacking, I lie down till the feeling goes away." (He said that about exercise, but you get the idea.)
Having said all of that, I do envy the hardy souls who can carry everything they need and travel into the wilderness. There is a lot of territory I will never get to see. We "camp" on the edge of the wilderness and then day-hike, but we never cover more than about ten miles a day (on a good day).
Last year, we were day hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail, which runs from Mexico to Canada. We came across a young couple and asked if they were doing the whole trail. They answered, "Yes, we are through-hikers."
I replied, "So are we! Every afternoon at 5 pm, we are through with hiking, and it's time for cold drinks!"