There are people who camp in the more traditional sense, it's just that RVing has expanded to encompass a lot more.
On a forum like this, you get a lot of travelers vs. campers. They aren't looking to go out into the wilds and hike, fish, etc. They use their RVs as a hotel on wheels. They are sightseeing and traveling rather than camping.
There are a few of us who use our RVs to camp, but there are far more travelers here. Add in full-timers and snowbirders, who are actually living in their RVs, and the campers are even more in the minority on this forum.
I do think it's important to distinguish between camping and traveling as answers to questions will vary dependent on how you use your RV. Others disagree and see no difference.
For a camping perspective, I visit camping forums and talk to tenters. However, I have noticed that most of them actually have much higher demands for electricity and modern conveniences than I do with my clipper. I find that my style is much more simplistic than most.