Forum Discussion

pjay9's avatar
Aug 30, 2013

Search HELP! Lance rot issue

HI, I have tried may different searchs and cannot find anything on repairing the dryrot in a Lance cabover with front window..if nayone can privide links it would so greatly appreciated.

It appears that I have issues as I noticed stains on the overhead speakers and see rust dips on the wall near the front closet from the small stables, plus I have tapped the outside and it feels flexible, soft and not sounding good...along with that I have another issue. The thin rail front to back under the slide is bending and I see cracked wood at the splits in the siding...I think I have some major rebuild to conduct.

Any links would be helpful THX so much!

2005 Lance 1161...truck has 160K and I would suspect the camper has 100K...the camper basiclly resides on the truck.
  • Hi pjay9,

    I get 8 pages with results when searching for "Lance dry rot". There certainly have been a number of threads on the issue (and not just for Lance campers); notably I can remember user "88Lover" posting his ordeal with the cabover repair.

    Here is what I did:
    Go to "advanced search"
    Enter "Keywords" = "Lance dry rot"
    Keyword Match = Find posts with all of the words in any order
    Date Posted = Archive - over 1 year ago
    Forum(s) = Truck Campers
    Click "Search".

    There are also several topics in the Truck Camper university.
  • A great place to look for this is the Truck camper university thread.

    Good luck - rot has a nasty habit of being worse than you first think. Joerg can certainly testify to that too :E

    It will be interesting to see what interesting challenges having a slide starts to pose as campers get old and start to rot.

  • THX to ALL...I totally forgot about TU...good tip. J68, the search nomincalture was the same and it just didn't do what you have shown...Who knows! Now what I am amazed about is two replies are from across the pond...I was stationed at RAF Ruislip back in the 70's! THX again...onward to getting this resolved...this moring I have been doing measuring and trying to figure out how to get this TC undercover before our NW rains start. THX again!
  • The TU section is such a good place for what I need to know...thx again for the reminder.
  • pjay9 wrote:
    ...I was stationed at RAF Ruislip back in the 70's!...

    Sally's father was stationed at RAF Northolt around then too :C
