bgum wrote:
There is a second way to look at this. Your income is guaranteed by the federal government. The lender knows that it will be there month after month. Just get your numbers in line with what you want to purchase. I mean don't try and purchase a new diesel pusher on SSDI.
That isn't how the loan process works.
Banks while they do look at your "income" via pay stubs or deposits, that is not the ONLY criteria they use.
They also look at and take into account your BILLS like insurance, vehicle loans, electric, rent, heat and other utilities.
You must have some good credit history, capacity to pay back the loan, Collateral (something a bank can repossess to sell off if you default).
RVs are very poor collateral and represent a huge risk to a bank due to them losing value in a hurry which makes going to a bank for a RV pretty much a no go for most folks.
Location also plays into this due to cost of living, $20K income isn't much to work with and unless you are in a location which has an extremely low cost of living would be very doubtful any bank will extend a loan with a decent interest rate.. Loan shar high interst financers might take a risk but the interest will eat up a lot of your income and will take a long time to pay the RV off.
I would echo the idea of seeking some low income housing, I know of someone who have between SS and SSDI got less that $1K per month. We were able to get them in a senior high rise for $300 per month (subsidized), heat was included and subsidized electric bill (fixed $20 per month. Even had a lower floor with street level walk out access which was nice.
RVs are not really designed for this application, folks do it, but in reality they are insanely expensive to heat and if you have to pay for electric will be expensive to cool in the summer.