Forum Discussion

Freeborn530's avatar
Jul 29, 2018

Securing you rig from theft (truck and camper)

How to secure the truck and camper from theft. I will be staying in some urban areas visiting (think L.A.) Curious as to what is the to protect the truck and camper from being stolen, broken into? I have the club that fits over the steering wheel. Thinking of alarm for the truck? Lojack type system? Alarms that demobilize the ignition. What is you experience and any thoughts?
  • Your truck (in your profile) is a 2006. Doesn't it have some protection of its own? My 2006 Chevy does. Alarm if door opened. "Passlock" so engine won't start unless correct key is in it.

    Lock your vehicle all the time, even when you are in it or when you are standing next to it pumping gas. Paranoid? Perhaps, but I still have my truck and all the stuff that is in it.

    Park in areas that appear to be safe. Good lighting. NOT in a row of junky RV's with people living in them!

    Does your truck have a manual transmission? Only a few people know how to drive those any more, so that might keep the entire rig from being stolen.

    I added Lojack to my truck, but that really doesn't do anything except tell the police where to find the truck after the theft.

    Nothing much keeps thieves from breaking the windows and reaching in. Keep all camper window blinds shut. Add homemade removable reflectix covers inside all cab windows. If thieves can't see what's in there, they may move on to more attractive targets.

    Don't hang stuff on the outside of your rig. Bikes are stolen off camper racks all the time, all over the country.

    I have lived in Southern California all my life, over 70 years now, and have never had a vehicle broken into or stolen. Yes, I've known people who did, so it does happen. Let's hope it doesn't happen to you and that you enjoy your visit here.
  • Glad I don't frequent high crime / theft areas often, but when I do, I'm always packing heat. 45 caliber 1911 heat.
  • Select the parking location carefully. Parts from old vehicles are more likely to be lifted than new ones. Camper breakins are for small items...TVs, laptops...that can be sold quickly for drug money and hardly any RV lock can withstand a pry bar. Best bet is an RV park which is cheaper than a city ticket.
  • The Club should help. It provides a visible deterrent as well as a physical one. They are not fool proof but would take a potential thief time which is not what they want to do; as I understand thieves.
    However, it would not stop them from taking your wheels!
    The best prevention is to stay out of LA.