If it is your goal to simply get rid of it, and money is not the issue, you can always sell to a dealer for whatever they will offer you and give all the "items" to Goodwill.
Now, if you're trying to make some money off it, you'll have to price it fairly. And remember, anything sold has more value to the seller than to the buyer. You may think the RV is worth $10,000, but to the buyer, it may be worth only $5,000. And remember, the buyer holds the purse strings! There's all kinds of ways to sell it. Put a sign in it and set it along the edge of the road to consignment shops that sell RV's and autos, to selling to a dealership, to using internet web sites. It's just a matter of how agressive you want to get to sell it, and for how much.
There again, if all you want to do is "clean house", slap a for sale sing on it, make the amount low enough no one can resit and it will probably go very fast. Or take it to a dealership and take whatever they give you.
Now that the kids are no longer going with you... you have the BEST opportunity for camping now! Of course, that means you and your spouse have to actually talk to each other now :B where before you always had kids to run interference for you.
Camping without the kids now is a WONDERFUL opportunity for you and your spouse to really get to know each other again, to get romantic (in more ways than one! ;) ) any time the "whim" hits you. It's a great opportunity to FINALLY go to places and do things that you COULD NOT do because you ALWAYS had KIDS around! (like Casinos, Night Clubs, activities and events that are not child conducive, but something you always wanted to do.)
When our kids no longer camped with us, because they started jobs and later college, our camping experiences skyrocketed! Our world did not revolve around what the "kids" always wanted to do, but FINALLY what WE wanted to do. Amusement Parks, Go Cart parks, Zoos, and hiking every trail in the park as fast as we could RUN, swimming, boating, fishing, bicycles - flat tires, and keeping the kids from killing each other, all of a sudden switched to hibernating around a campfire listening to soft music, holding hands, hugging and kissing each other. It meant we could sleep in, stay up late, eat T-bone steaks, and not have to hide the wine! It meant we could finally step out of bed naked if we wanted to and go to the kitchen area for a drink or a snack .... FINALLY!
It meant we didn't have to revolve our trips around the school calendar or school activities. We learned we could camp in December, just as well as July because we were not bound to a school schedule any more! And winter camping has been some of our best experiences too!
It also means we have to MAKE time to go camping, to keep it on our priority list. It means we don't revolve our world around our kids any more. They are grown adults, they don't need us any more. Let them go make their own mistakes in life now! Turn them loose for once and we DON'T have to hold their hands or kiss their bruises when they fall down!
It a wonderful time to renew your marriage vows with your spouse, to renew love between you two, and to learn to grow old gracefully together, as it was originally meant to be.
You might want to keep the camper after all, especially after reading this! For us, camping has been wonderful! It's not so much the actual "camping" I think, it's the time WE have together, no invaded by jobs, kids, or looming responsibilities that rob the joy of living!