Forum Discussion

JCR-1's avatar
Jun 14, 2016

Semi truck drivers..lack of concern ??

Many excellent drivers out there and have safety concerns for others, but I have come across a few AH's from time to time. Most recently crossing the Mississippi River at Memphis the bridge is so old and designed back in the day that the lanes of travel are so narrow that they barely accommodate the width of todays trucks.I was crossing doing about 55mph when a semi decided to pass me doing 65 and the passing wave of wind nearly pushed me into the side railing which is only a foot or two away. No concern for the other rig . On a narrow bridge I would think extra caution should be emphasized and cowboy driving at 65 mph is reckless.If you are one of those take it off cruise and use your head when on a narrow bridge and passing a trailer in tow.
  • As a ex semi owner operator I can tell you there are a lot od drivers out there with just enough training to do books and quick inspections to get by. Should not be on the road solo. There are also a lot of RV drivers out there that fit the same description.
  • Solution is to drive the center-most lane, 55 max, and get over far enough to keep anyone, especially trucks, from trying to get by on the right. Makes a lot of people mad, but so what... I get across the bridge. Others can be AH is little cars, i can be one in a big rig. They do things that make me mad also. And, high flyovers with low sidewalls??? You don't want to be behind me. As far as I am concerned, My lane has a white line right down the middle to help me drive. I try to plan my route far enough ahead to avoid such situations, but sometimes, it happens.
  • Those guys are always impatient. I get out of their way as much as possible, but in this case, not possible.
  • You cannot control how other people drive. Period. So you need to be able to handle these situations. Learn to deal with it! It's your only hope...
  • JCR-1 wrote:
    Many excellent drivers out there and have safety concerns for others, but I have come across a few AH's from time to time.

    Not disputing this and certainly not defending the driver in this case. Often, however, commercial drivers have to put up with very tight schedules, which I believe encourages some drivers to take risks that they should not. I'm sure the CDL holders will weigh in on this topic with various points of view......
  • A small percentage of all people are jerks and that is from police, Priests, Teachers, and so on. That is just the way it is.
    With that said maybe the truck driver had a different point of view.
    Nobody hurt so guess it is just the way it is.
  • The two worst times I have been cut off when towing my RV were both from semis. I feel you have the same odds with them of being a good or bad driver as you do with the regular public.

    Quick question though. What is the speed limit of the road you are traveling? I have never felt my RV be pushed so much by a passing truck that I felt like I was struggling to keep it in my lane.