JimK-NY wrote:
WyoBull wrote:
I think a big part of the problem is, and I would put myself in this category a year ago, is that the vast majority of people have their truck first and then put a camper on it. .....
NO. That was not my story. I bought the camper and then went shopping for a truck. My camper dealer recommended a 3/4 ton truck. The manufacturer webpages were not clear but suggested a 3/4 ton truck would be suitable. I visited Ford, Chevy and Dodge dealerships and also received the same recommendation. I tried to buy a 1 ton but none were available. I was shopping in June and was told I would need to wait until Fall to get a 1 ton built. Unfortunately weighing the camper after 7 years of use told a different story. The camper put 7300# on the rear axle with tires rated at 6400# maximum. To make it worse, my Dodge has 17" rims. What insanity. There are no tires available with more than a 3200# rating. Currently I am waiting for Rickson to finish my 19.5 wheels and rims. I feel fortunate that I made it 7 years and 70K miles without a tire related disaster. I can only imagine the weight when I set out as a fulltimer 7 years ago. At that time I had a load of tools, parts, and lots and lots of gear and clothing.
Your situation did not happen as mine did but the end result was the same, a camper too heavy for the truck you had, correct?