Nice thing about "magic" busses, like TCs, they are magical.
They are magical specifically because nobody knows what the world "overweight" is in the TC or RV world.
What is "overweight" ? Is it like indecency, you "know it when you see it" ? Is there a legal definition, at the state or federal level?
What is "overweight" ? I'm asking this in all seriousness.
1) Is it exceeding your FAWR or RAWR?
2) Is it exceeding your GVWR ?
3) Is it exceeding your tire weight rating?
4) What if your state doesn't offer a weight rating for your truck that matches your truck. Can you register your truck for less than the truck manufacturer's GVWR and if you exceed that, then you're overweight? Are you then constantly overweight even when you are running empty?
5) What if you register your truck for more than the manufacturer's GVWR because your state doesn't offer that weight? Are you then constantly overweight because you are registered for more than the GVWR?
6) Who decides what overweight is from a legal standpoint? Is cop going to come by after you've had an accident, gather up all the pieces of your truck and camper, take them to a weigh station and then write you up a ticket? for being "overweight"?
Please specify what the "magical" answer to the "overweight problem" is, so we can get a final resolution on this issue.