spoon059 wrote:
Aluminum Siding wrote:
Turn off your head lamps to parking lights only so you don't blast everyone's camp. Keep the voice and noise down.
This is great advice. Most people at the campground have jobs and camp for vacation. These people realize that life is tough sometimes and people will arrive after dark. The "professional campers" can't fathom the idea that some people have other things going on in their lives besides camping.
The big thing is, don't be a jerk about it. Some people will drive through with their high beams on and leave the lights on while unhooking. Unnecessary. Some people will yell back and forth with the spouse about which way and how many blocks, etc. Unnecessary. Some people will bang hatches open and throw WDH parts around. Unnecessary.
Be considerate. Turn off your lights, talk in as quiet a voice as you can. Use cell phones to communicate while you are backing in. Gently open doors and hatches. Hook up what you need to at night as quietly as possible, finish up in the morning if need be.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend with neighbors that will understand your dilemma and appreciate your quiet and candor in setting up. It goes a long way towards making for an enjoyable experience for everyone.
x10! Several times I have awoken naturally in the am, gone outside and to my surprise a whole camp set up next to us that wasn't there when we went to bed. I always complement the neighbor for such a quiet set up. Those are the guys like us that you know it'll be a nice weekend. They are respectful with a nice neat camp too.