I don't do campgrounds. But at the dog trials I go to, it is common for people to arrive wayyy late. Many get off work on Friday (hopefully early and drive as far as 500 miles to a trial.
Then upon arriving, they not only have the normal setup to do, but horses and dogs to stake out.
I have counted as many as 29 dogs and 4 horses in one camp..... There is NO way to do it quietly.
We are usually one of the first to arrive. We go to bed early and in the morning a small city has sprung up around us.... Nobody sweats the little stuff like a few dogs barking or horses neighing, bales of hay being dropped off a roof, stakes being driven into the ground with sledge hammers, and enough lights to do all this safely. We are all there for the same reason.
Some of the campground people should take a page from this book.... You are all there for the same reason. Don't sweat the little stuff.:B