jimh425 wrote:
JimK-NY wrote:
If the camper is moving with a mat, I would look for the issue.
Are you saying your camper never moves even a little bit? I’m talking about occasional movement, not moving around every curve on a smooth/straight road.
Also, is your TC a tall 4500+ wet one.
I have a 9.5' Northstar Igloo. With modifications and loaded for travel, it weighs in over 4000#.
I am saying it does not move, at least not under any reasonable sort of driving conditions. I think it would take a camper busting bump that got the camper airborne.
The bed of the truck is not flat but has slats molded into the bed. In addition the bed is sprayed with a rough surfaced liner. The weight pushes down on the 1/2" thick rubber mat and it conforms to the surface. It is not going to slide or move even in the slightest. The base of the camper has 4 1x6 slats that run the entire length of the camper. Again the weight is going to make the mat conform to those shapes. In addition the bottom of the 1x6 slats also has some sections of anti-slip tread tape. I am sure that was gross overkill.
The camper should not shift or move at all. If that happens you will see it immediately. The fastguns on one side of the camper will be loose and the ones on the other side will be excessively tight. You want even and proper spring tension on all of the fastguns. Once I load the camper and drive for a while, I recheck the fastguns. I usually need to give each of them one turn to compensate for the weight compressing the mat. Again that compression assures there will be no movement.
If you do have shifting, I would find out why. Otherwise you will need to frequently adjust the tension and I suppose the camper could eventually shift substantially out of center.