German and Japanese RVs do not stand a chance here in the USA because by the time they make it onto our shores, they will run 2-3-4-5 times the price of a similarly sized American built RV.
....building an RV in Germany (or anywhere in Europe) and shipping the massive hulk over to North America for sale would make very little economic sense (you'd be building in one economy, and shipping to another economy!). It would only make sense for aircraft (after manufacturing in Europe, you could fly it across "The Pond" in a few hours to North American FOB buyer). The only way building a German RV (a very large and expensive item to ship across thousands of miles of ocean!) would make sense, is to license the technology (turn-key automated plant) at the point of sale (in the US or Canada). The "engine & drivetrain" could be shipped here from Europe. The automated/robotic manufacturing accouterments could be sourced here (along with raw componentry)... the days when vanity exceeded economic sense, bridges were once disassembled in Europe, and shipped over to North America for re-assembly (can anyone here name 2 or 3 examples?)...
Travelnutz, what say you? (....whoops! Travelnutz answered this 2 economies thing already, above {I'm typing too slowly!})