Cecilt wrote:
OP here. My 2017 F 350 is set to heavy trailer as was asked by another poster so not a problem there. The bearings were re-packed and not just lubed and before I took it to the shop I noticed the brakes on the TT did not feel that strong when completing closing the TBC.
I am taking it back to the shop on Saturday to re-adjust and want to clarify as I think a few posters have said different things. My understanding is you should turn the star wheel until you can no longer turn the wheel by hand. Step 2 is back off the star wheel 8-10 clicks and you should be able to turn the wheel by hand 3/4-1 revolution only and the wheel would stop on its own due to the friction of the shoes on the drums. Would this be the correct procedure? tks
+1. I had a Prodigy aftermarket installed on my '03 Avalanche. Would set brakes according to the manual for lock up at 25-30 mph, then back off. Worked great at highway speed, around town, especially after driving they would lock up frustrating. I have a '17 Silverado with IBC, setting of 6 works great, it can't get lock up manually. Does Chevy have the trailer identification system like Ford?