HomeAwayFromHome2 wrote:
Great idea sidecar! I will do that! Thanks.
Actually, there are a couple options. BB&B sells teakwood slatted bathmats in many sizes, so it's a matter of measuring the pan size and ordering one. I got one a bit larger than my pan and cut it to size. One good thing about using a teakwood mat, is, it distributes your weight while in the shower across a wider area (my pan was a bit flexible) and it helped that.
My friend made one from .40 retention pressure treated deck boards, slats radiused and sanded and he used brass wood screws to connect his slats to the runners underneath. If you are handy that will work too. Lets your shower water drain out better, keeps your feet dry while using the commode (I have a wet bath) so the pan stays wet for a while, with the teak mat, it's dry right away, plus it look sharp, much better than the white textured pan in my opinion.