Flatflap wrote:
Thanks for all the rapid feedback.
The truck is a gas six liter engine and the exhaust is at the rear of the vehicle.
I have ruled out the window reflection idea since this happens in multiple locations, FL, NH etc. and seems to occur after a session of driving. The vehicle is parked outside and we live on a sixty acre lot in a rural setting, so I doubt if it has anything to do with sprinklers and I can definitely tell you they do not control the mosquitos here.
GM has just said "ain't our problem" and the insurance company is probably going to replace the mirror but not the top ( Softopper has replaced this once).
Here are some photos showing the damage to the mirror and Softopper.
I had to copy the URL to another window to see the picture. I made them clickies in the quote. Did you have body work done? Mirror looks like someone had heat lamps to dry paint.