To all,
No kids, we are retired.
The paint is not damaged (chemical or heat)and we have not been able to detect a residue on the outside of the vehicle.
The observation concerning the top is correct it suggests a flow around the bows. If I had a picture of the top of the cover you could see this more clearly since the top is being effected as well. It is note worthy that the first top (this is the second) was attacked on the both from corners and the drivers side where this one is attacked only on the passengers side and top. We love the top and the supplier concurs that they have never seen a problem like this.
In looking at PVC cement two major components are acetone and MEK, both common industrial chemicals. Does anyone know if brake fluid contains any of these components?
It is also interesting that where the mirror meets that truck and has been eroded there is a soft plastic gasket and it appears to be unharmed even though the hard plastic is eroding away.
As yet we have not seen any damage to the trailer, but we are about to head out to FL so if the awning or roof dissolves I will let the group know.
I have a feeling that I am destined to be the -.1% in a 99.9% customer satisfaction survey.
Thanks for all the interest and input.