Some plastic fake scroll-work melted in ordinary direct sunlight on our west facing storm door. I am fairly confident that no reflection occurred, only common direct sunlight.
Part of the problem was likely due to my wife insisting that the storm glass be sealed and latched in the winter position during the extreme heat of summer. This, instead of allowing the summer insect screen to properly vent heat build-up from between the main entry door and storm door. I recall the outer storm door literally became too hot to touch, other than by the handles. The house trim and door are a dark bronze color, apparently nearly perfect for absorbing radiation.
To my further consternation, the insulated main door also became warm to the inside while my A/C labored on. When I whined like a baby, and opened the glass, she soon re-closed it, in one of those weird little "power" idiosyncrasies that sometimes occur between spouses. Her reasoning was that she liked to leave the inner door open on occasion to view out and did not want dust, nor heat, to enter. Nor have to reposition the glass to prevent it during the magic moment.
The storm door is now gone and the new sidelight entry door does not lend itself to installing another. But... I was coerced to install tinted Lexan panels in our camper screen door. It was harder to do, and make look OEM, than I could have ever imagined. They are removable but I'm sure not for long. Sigh.
Thanks for letting me vent. Sun melted plastic strikes a nerve.