blt2ski wrote:
Young folks do not know how to drive BIG twucks! or emanual transmissions! hot rod does not know my kids. My eldest daughters learned with my 05 dually dmax crew cab! Both took drivers test in the 2000 reg cab pickup I have. Granted both are autos. BUT, BOTH can drive manual transmissions. Sons drove my 96 crew cab with a 5 sp manual. They also drive my navistar that is longer than a pickumup!
Yes, some do not know how to drive things longer than a prius. Many probably can in reality. Especially those with parent that have longer rigs.
I'll take a rig with super singles over a dual rear rig if I had a choice.
Go back and read what I wrote. I never said young people don't know how to drive bigger vehicles I questioned whether or not that was the reason for many thinking that trucks such as a CC dually were so big. I also never mention driving a stick. Good for your kids they are not the average unless in a farming area. Back in the mid 80's when she was 15 my daughter was driving a CC with an 11' camper pulling a 4 horse trailer. But I now have a couple of grand daughters who are in their 20's who don't even care to get a drivers license.