eimac99 wrote:
Our 2014 Arctic Fox 1140 has developed a problem with the slide. When it is on the truck it works fine, but when it is on the ground, the slide starts going out at an angle, makes a grinding noise and presses against the valance over the back window.
We called the dealership and were told that this is a problem they have seen in TC's with the big slides - the weight of the slide distorts and twists the camper. We were told to use the jacks to shift the weight of the camper slightly to one side and the problem should stop. Then once the slide is out, to relevel the camper.
It worked, but we are not happy about this. Is this really a common problem or do we have something seriously wrong and the dealer just wants to get us to go away. We are in Florida so there are no Arctic Fox dealers anywhere near us-- drove to Oregon to pick it up.
I had a 2003 AF 1150 that I had this exact same problem with and the BS you got was exact same I got. Mine was binding bad enough that it ripped one of the lug screws for the slide rams right out of the camper. Dealer did show me and was able to operate the slide fine with jacks tilting it off level but my issue was once leveled again the slide would settle back and there was actually an air gap between the rubber seal and the back top corner. I was told that on these full wall slides they can twist and warp, probably a factor of not kiln drying would before building them. Would have thought the move to aluminum framed campers would have solved that though.
For the past 8 years I've had a Lance 861 where only the dinette slides out thank god, that experience with the AF was aweful. Best of luck. Seems some things never change.