recently I filled a 30lb tank cost was less than a 20lb tank swap and the tank swaps you get aren't even filled to allowed capacity, They underfill. Basically double the propane for less money.
Our current rig came with 20# tanks. Even in cold weather, we typically get a month or more on a tank.
We do usually get them filled. By filling, you get 20# of propane instead of the swap places that typically give you 15# of propane in a 20# bottle. And the fill is typically cheaper than the swap.
The exception is when a tank ages out. Then we swap for a newer tank and go back to filling.
The supports might require some minor modifications but shouldn't be anything complicated or expensive.
You could also carry 1 extra 20lb tank for just such a need. Instead of replacing the 33's, use a 20 and a 33, and replace the 20 as needed.
I don't know, there are many ways to do it. Years ago, on our Salem TT, we had 2 - 20's since new. I added a third to storage, and could rotate out as needed. Different, but just a thought.
I have not but it should be an easy swap. The only things i see as a possible stumbling block is the length of the pigtails might require you to remount them lower. Also you might have to do some work to adjust the hold down bracket. But other than that they should work fine.