About the manual water heater. Once in E. OR. we stopped at Wallowa State campground; paid the fee and found the spot. I backed in the space and plugged in the umbilical power cord, hooked up the water (and maybe cable), read the levels and put one plastic riser under one front wheel. We're done right? Wrong. There was a very stiff breeze coming right at the water heater compartment and it was so windy that I could not get the water heater pilot to stay on using an extended snout lighter. Tried it with the door mostly down. No dice. Jeanie came over and cupped her hands and one of mine around the device to no avail. Then I got a piece of cardboard or jacket, can't remember what to act as a windbreak and cover the space and finally we got it going enough to stay on. So the moral to the story is: always check which way the wind is blowing before you turn off the key to the truck. If I would have known, I could have stopped to light the pilot on the lee side not the windward side. Educamus abruptus.
Enjoy the 'period of adjustment'.
regards, as always, jefe