Forum Discussion

Kayteg1's avatar
Explorer II
Jul 30, 2017

Soft or hard water to fill up the tank?

I read some conflicting reports and always find tons of sale pitching about water processing.
So I have water softener in my house and it is great for showers, leave not much water marks and so on.
But on the other hand water softener are getting rid of calcium and nutritionist say we need calcium.
At home I am in the process to run separate tubing to fridge, with unprocessed water where build-in filter will remove chemicals, hopefully leaving calcium, but in TC we have 1 tank and we use the water for consumption.
So any specialist can say how important is calcium for our bodies? I would prefer to fill soft water, but also plan to live long and healthy.
  • As stated by others, "hard" water (water with iron, calcium or other minerals) will wreak havoc with your plumbing and fixtures over time. We filter all water that goes into our rig, although we haven't sprung for reverse-osmosis or softening systems ($$$).

    If you're not getting enough of the basic minerals in your diet, you're NOT going to get them from water. A balanced diet and, in some cases, a good multi-vitamin are the best ways to do that.

    Retired Army nurse
  • I use my home water when I can. Otherwise, I use a water filter to fill up my tanks. I'm not sure how much it filters, but it's at least something.

    I agree that if you are worried about calcium, take a pill or eat/drink foods with Calcium.
  • Hard water has minerals in it "most" of the time, and is "usually" found in ground / well water.
    With time those minerals will clog up your metals pipes / fittings and start to eat any metal parts it comes in contact with.
    Now this won't happpen over night, but it will slowly start to screw up the metal pipes and anything else the water comes in contact with, mostly metal.
    However if a bunch of the scale breaks off from a metal pieces it can and will clog smaller water lines like you find in a fridge or water cooler.
    Just ask any steam engineer what the water treatment plant is for in a steam plant? The main reason and main purpose is to soften / clean the water used in the boilers.
    Little different application for your house or RV but that's what will happen in time if you don't soften your water.
    We are lucky where we live we are on river water and do t have those issues, we have other issues that we deal with.
  • Our well was 80 grains hard softener for household use and buy bottled water to drink and make coffee softened went in the camper.
  • Hard water doesn't necessarily mean calcium, but maybe yours is high in calcium.
    Either way, drink some milk or take a pill if worried about calcium.
    As far as filling the camper? Whatever is most convienent.
  • Hard water (minerals) will eat up your anode rod (if you have a Suburban HWH) much faster than treated water will. I fill mine with city water. We have a deep well and no softener. Loaded with calcium. leaves white stains when it evaporates.

    So bad I collect rainwater to wash the vehicles and farm tractors.