Z-Peller wrote:
Ok, so by the same token were is it written that " this stuff is totally inacurate" ?....by who's authority is that?.....I happen to use the rule of thumb of 100w per 6v battery for my solar setup and it provides all the power I need...everyones needs are different as most people know....whats with the "authorative" statement that this is wrong?
With the idea of 100 watts per 100 ah of battery your 2 6vdc batteries would fit right in that window. Or someone with 2 group 27's 100ah each 200 ah total would apply also.
The real determining factor is how many Amp Hours you are going to consume per day isn't it?
If your AH consumption per day is less than 25 AH you will be able to recover "MOST" of the time when in fowl weather. In sunny weather by noon or 1pm.
We rarely use over 25 ah. watching a movie, charging phones and laptops etc.
LED lights, LED tv's and a Wave 3 heater keep our Ah consumption low.
I have many TC friends that are like you and I when it comes to the 100watts per 100ah of battery.
For years we used 2 group 27 batteries but when we whittled on the AH consumption by doing the LED etc thing I found no need to have 2 batteries... WHOOOHOO!
I now have only 1 100ah Lifeline AGM..... It is 7 years old now and still performs like new.