We boondock almost 100% of the time in the mountains of Idaho camping/fishing/hunting or getting firewood for long periods..We also use camping/wilderness techniques with the camper such as we use candles or scented kerosene for light/perk coffee/catalytic heater for heat/boiled creek water for dishes and even filtered creek water for drinking sometimes along with the use of a porta potti for really long stays.
Having said that,we always have a generator with us to charge batteries or an air compressor or air conditioner/microwave or whatever.Solar is just not an option I want to invest in.Just something else to break in the heavy snows we get or a by me or mother nature or that limb that I didn't see..The price of a good portable setup is about the price of another generator...
To each his own on how much of that luxury off grid one wants to use,I prefer not to use much except the comfort aspect a RV offers.