TomG2 wrote:
Javi1 wrote:
Unless you have a smaller trailer that doesn't need W/D hitch then the 5'er is easier to setup and hook-up test pull or no test pull. ....snip............
My trailer is over 28 foot long and weights over 7500 pounds (which is not a "smaller trailer"). I don't need W/D since I use a 2500HD tow vehicle and I can be out the gate while the fiver is still removing his chocks which are necessary to do his test pull. I would not skip the test pull with my fiver, since a visual is not good enough for the hitch. I tow a lot, so I like to keep things quick, easy, and safe. (Not in that order)
You do realize that your setup is in the minority and that most of us who tow that size trailer DO use W/D bars... Oh and I tow with an F250 diesel 10K but my tongue weight is over the rating for the hitch without the bars.. wonder if yours is as well...??