Forum Discussion

Grodyman's avatar
Apr 19, 2016

Some Ford 6.0 Stories True

My father's 2007 6.0 diesel with 42,000 miles has turned ugly.

First breakdown:

4 injectors ($1500?)

Second breakdown:

Metal in HPOP shortly after injector repair, probably from injector repair, but not proveable ($1900?)

3rd breakdown:

Loss of power and no start after long uphill pull on highway towing 5th wheel:

$$ to be determined...looking for high pressure oil leak

3 tows and counting in 2 months.

Truck is all stock and well maintained, yes, low miles for a 07.

Right now I am really happy with my 6.2 even if it is a little slower.

  • Today's diesels are a complete disaster. Who can afford to own them out of warranty?
  • nevadanick wrote:
    You guys dont drive them enough. I put 100k on a 07 6.0 in a year and a half and only had a sensor go bad. Sitting around isnt good for the 6.0

    Cant afford to drive them and cant afford to park them. Get kicked in the trunk when you try to sell or trade them. Hard to find a sweet spot with the 6.0
  • You guys dont drive them enough. I put 100k on a 07 6.0 in a year and a half and only had a sensor go bad. Sitting around isnt good for the 6.0
  • My 2005 6.0 has run perfect until it didn't anymore. When I get back from vacation next week I need to go pick it up from the shop and pay them something over $8,000. Only 55,000 miles.

  • HPOP probably killed the injectors...not the 6.0's fault the techs are not competent in the 6.0 PSD...

    I'm by no means a fan boy if this buy the same one you am have.

