I think quality is directly related to what type of trailer you get. I think it's wrong to compare a stick and tin trailer to a laminated aluminum trailer. I think its wrong to compare a hybrid trailer to tent trailer. And having said that, I think it's wrong to compare a light weight or an ultra light to a regular laminated laminated trailer like my Creek Side. Mine has 2" walls, a lot of ultra lights have 1-1/2" walls. Go bouncing down dirt roads with those two trailers for hundreds of miles over 10 years and the one with 2" laminated wall will likely be in better shape. Not 'cause it's higher quality, but because it's designed to be light weight and made to be towed by a lighter vehicle. And, I tend to think Airstreams are really better that most laminated rigs. I think the BigFoot and the Escapes are probably higher quality with more care to detail. But again, different rig and certainly different price. But, look at a Lance trailer. Lots of higher end stuff in a Lance with great fit, finish and attention to detail, but I don't think they're going to have the durability of an ORV or a Northwoods. All this is just my opinion and what I've observed. We all have our trailers. We all know what we like in our trailers and what we don't like in other trailers, which is why we have our trailers! Love 'em, improve 'em, camp in 'em!