From Park Service Site
"What most people want to know: Is the monument a safe place to visit?
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is a safe place to visit. However, illegal border crossings and activities, including drug smuggling, occur daily. It is unlikely that you will encounter any illegal border activity but you should be aware that such a situation is possible. Many safety precautions are in existence as a means to protect you and to continue preserving this national treasure.
Remember that cell phone service is usually out of range within Monument boundaries.
Know where you are at all times, follow good safety procedures and use common sense when making decisions.
Do not pickup hitch-hikers
Keep valuables, including spare change, out of sight and lock your vehicle
Avoid traveling in well-used but unofficial "trails"
People in distress may ask for food, water or other assistance. It is recommended that you do not make contact. Report the location of the distressed people to park staff, or the Border Patrol.
Report ANY suspicious behavior to park staff or Border Patrol. Please do not contact suspicious persons."
Staying in park campground OK. Boondocking in the area??????